David Lawell

David Lawell

David Lawell Art currently resides in Santa Monica, California where the view of the Santa Monica Mountains touching the ocean seeps it’s way into his new artwork creating a calm and tranquil feeling the viewer is able to experience along with him. After fifteen years of self-taught oil painting, David has gone back to his roots of pencil and paper to create a new series of life-size drawings, some reaching six feet in length, which are then printed on canvas and set with oil color glazes thus merging the two worlds of graphite and color into one seamless mindscape. One cannot help but be captivated and drawn into these images of stellar beauty which are now being performed live in front of audiences all over the world. His live performances have spanned huge distances from Los Angeles to Hawaii, Costa Rica to Colorado and back to his once home in Austin, Texas for a multitude of art/music festivals and events. Now the world is able to follow David Lawell on his epic journey of life.

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